Familienbuch "Krippendorff"


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3163 Wilhelm Theodore Fredrich Koch «aus 3263» , 12.02.1842 Elbingerode; Blanenberg; Germany, 16.12.1879 Guadalahara; Talpa; Mexico, Cause of Death: Feaver [Mathews2.FBK.FTW] Wilhelm attended the mining academy in Clausthal and studied chemistry and
probing. In March of 1864 he departed for Mexico; atfirst he worked as a
salesman, then he founded and directed thesilver mines of Bramador, Mexico. He
owned a gold and silver mine. He willed $10,000 to each of his brothers and
sisters at hisdeath. His inheritance was of great help to each of them. Engaged to: Louis Fedore Jenny Biewend (b 8-3-1845, died 9-2-1902 Clausthal). Her father
was Mathilde Biewend's brother Eduard. After her father's death she move to
Hahnenklee. Wilhelm died of fever before returning to Germany to marry Louise. !NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 4; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ; . !NOTE: Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 !BIRTH: Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 !DEATH: Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999

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Erzeugt am 15.12.2018 mit Ortsfamilienbuch © von Diedrich Hesmer
basierend auf Daten aus "krippendorff.2017_04_u.ged"