Familienbuch "Krippendorff"


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3166 Albert Wilhelm Richard Koch «aus 3263» , 12.04.1848 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Goslar, Niedersachsen, Clausthal, 24.11.1896 Talpa/Mexico, Director of the Silver Mines, [Mathews2.FBK.FTW] From May 10, 1865 to May, 1866 he worked as a cabin boy on tallships (e.g.
Hamberg, Chili, Peru, Hamburg); then he studied mining in Clausthal and Berlin;
from 1879-1871 was a volunteer in the war; 1872-1874 he worked in Indian tin
mines; 1875 assessor for the sulfur mines in Sicily; 1876 worked in the copper
mines inthe southern Ural; 1877 he worked for his brother Hugo in Tarnowitz;
beginning in February, 1878 he was the director of the silver mines in
Trinidad, In October, 1878 he left for Mexico to assist his brother Wilhelm in
the mines, arrived in Mexico in November 1878. Died of a heart attack. See the autobiography of his son, HermanA.W. Koch of
Keystone, Iowa to obtain more background of life in Mexico in the late 1800's !NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 4; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ; . !NOTE: Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 !BIRTH: Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 !DEATH: Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999

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Erzeugt am 15.12.2018 mit Ortsfamilienbuch © von Diedrich Hesmer
basierend auf Daten aus "krippendorff.2017_04_u.ged"