Familienbuch "Krippendorff"


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3270 Ernst August Koch(K) N: auch bekannt als: Koch «aus 3263» , 17.05.1849 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Goslar, Niedersachsen, Clausthal, 13.05.1920 Guadelayara Mexiko 44630, Ingenieur , Mining Engineer, EV; Anderes Sterbedatum: 13.05.1920, Guadalahara; Talpa; Mexico; [Mathews2.FBK.FTW] He attended the mining academy in Clausthal; from 1869 to 1872 he studied
chemistry at the universities of Gottingen and Heidelberg. In 1870 he joined
the war together with his brother Albertas "Einjahriger", from 1872-1873 he was
a chemist and supervisorof the Lautenhaler foundry in the Harz mountains. In
1874 he went to Japan to supervise local mines, but was no longer needed and
returned with a year's salary. From 1875-1887, he worked in different positions
in North America. In 1887, he went to Mexico,but did not join his brothers. His nephew, Herman A.W. Koch, writes in his autobiography that Ernest was a
"queer man; never had anything to do with the rest of his family and you never
knew where to find him. He never married. The King of Hannover Germany was his Godfather for which he wasnamed. Ernest
received the Silver Service Award from him and later gave this to his sister
Marie Giesecke. !NOTE: Pedigree Resource File CD 4; ; (Salt Lake City, UT: Intellectual
Reserve, Inc., 1999); ; ; . !NOTE: Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 !BIRTH: Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 !DEATH: Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999 Mathews2.FBK.FTW; ; ; ; , . . Date of Import: Aug 13, 1999

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Erzeugt am 15.12.2018 mit Ortsfamilienbuch © von Diedrich Hesmer
basierend auf Daten aus "krippendorff.2017_04_u.ged"