OFB 1 Poppe - 1029

Familienbuch "Poppe"


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1029 Walter EUCKEN «aus 1027» , 17.01.1891 Jena, Germany, 20.03.1950 London, [I8133], Economist, Professor at the University Freiburg/Breisgau, Germany, closely associated with “social market economy� , N: GERMAN ECONOMIST AND THE FATHER OF ORDOLIBERALISM, Initially more interested in history, Walter, son of the Nobel prize winner in 1908 for literature, elected to study economics in Kiel, Jena, and Bonn, Germany.
Graduating in 1913, shortly before he had to serve at the fronts in World War I, he got his first professorship in Berlin in 1921.
Six years later, he moved to Freiburg where he was professor of economics until his death in 1950 in London.
During the Nazi regime, he was associated with the resistance movement.
He passed away at the age of fifty-nine in London, England.
His ordoliberalism is a variation of neoliberalism, claiming that the state has the job of providing the political framework for economic freedom. The state sould form an economical order instead of directing the processes. This idea was first introduced in a periodical published by him and two others. It was then further developed in ORDO, a German scholarly journal published by him and Franz Bohm in 1948.
Four years after his passing, a group of friends and former students founded the Walter Eucken Institute.
Frankfuter Allgmeine Zeitung, 15.1.2016, page 19: Article “Der Kaempfer gegen die Kartelle�. Eucken bedame a resistant against the HITLER GOVERNMENT in 1942, was arrested shortly by the Gestapo after JULY 1944.

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