Membership fees and donations

Membership fees:Single membership 35,00 €  per year
 Family membership 40,00 €  per year

If you not yet join the Direct debiting procedure please transfer your membership fee not later than March 31st to:

Sparkasse Bremen IBAN: DE43 2905 0101 0001 0190 25

Payments inside the Euro area:

For Payment by SEPA-Direct debiting procedure we need  your  signature. Please download the PDF-file at the end of this page and send it completed to the adresse at the end of this page.

Payments from outside the Euro area:

1. PayPal bank account

Please send payments via PayPal to

2. Cash payers
Please send the amount (Euro only, no other foreign currency) in a prepaid envelope mentioning the payment reference ("membership fee for the year....." or "donation")

Gesellschaft für Familienforschung e.V.
Am Staatsarchiv 1
D-28203 Bremen

If you want to send us a donation, please use the same account, also giving the intended use.

Download SEPA-Mandat

Download Freistellungsbescheid