Meta search

The “meta search” can be used to search several indexes of the “MAUS” at the same time. The searches can be narrowed down using the first names and surnames of the persons and the time period of the events. The search texts for the names may also contain placeholders. The results list is currently limited to a maximum of 10,000 entries, i.e. the list is truncated if there are more hits. The search criteria may then have to be specified more narrowly in order to obtain a complete list.

When using the search function, it should be borne in mind that in the past there were always variations in the spelling of first names and surnames. This concerns, for example, the spellings “ß”, “ss”, “sz” or “hs”, “c” or “k” and “f” or “v”. The “Soundex” function, which is offered in some portals, could be helpful here. However, this is based on English-language phonetics and provides rather unsatisfactory results in German. This function is therefore not offered.

A “meta search” via the civil and civil status registers is currently available (see menu item top right). Further searches are being planned.