Familienbuch "Poppe"


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786 *michel De HERLIN, LORD OF HEVERY «aus 773» , um 1365 Arras (Atrecht), Pas-de-Calais, France, um 1431 Arras, um 1431 France?, [I941], N: My 14th Great-Grandfather, Michel resided in Arras, France, the city that became home for eight succeeding generations.
It was during his lifetime that the family recovered from a limited farming income because of the establishment of wine merchandise. With the success of this new endeavor, he and his offspring were able to reacquire castles such as Asseneide that they had previously lost.
The cost of the increasing wealth from trade was responsible for the loss of the aristocratic title (de Herlin to Herlin) about 1400. Nevertheless, family members continued to marry aristocratic women as their wealth remained attractive to other families up to the 17th century.
 Catharina (Catherine) DABANCOURT OR DE ABANCOURT , France, France, [I1499]
  II) um 1390 Arras (Atrecht), Pas-de-Calais, France
 *isabel De GUOY OR GONIJ , France?, nach 1396 France?, nach 1395 France?, [I942], N: My 14th Great-Grandmother
 1)*jean (John) , um 1395 Arras (Atrecht), Pas-de-Calais, France, 1442 Arras, Pas-de-Calais, France or Bethune, France, 1442 Arras, St. Gery, Pas-de-Calais, France, [I387], «781»

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Erzeugt am 22.11.2016 mit Ortsfamilienbuch © von Diedrich Hesmer
basierend auf Daten aus "poppe_2016_07_u_u.ged"